PREMISE: This article was written based on the book “Conversations with God – Book One”. To learn more about these articles and the book in question, go to the page: Conversations with God – Index.

In this life we are like lost children, we are often overwhelmed by situations, problems, we go off course, we feel dissatisfied, in short… like lost children, we need the voice of the parent on the loudspeaker that suggests where to go to find ourselves.

God communicates with us. And he does it in many ways. The most obvious and blatant ones are the least used because they are most subject to possible misunderstandings, profanations and so on. So God does not communicate with us with an imposing voice that comes from heaven, that’s for sure.

The heart communicates with us. And it is our greatest teacher. It’s the radar that sets our course.

The soul communicates with us. In conjunction with God, the soul sends us continuous signals.

So how do these communications take place? Let’s see right away in various possibilities:

  • EXPERIENCE: God mainly uses this to communicate with us, to make us understand what we should change, understand, accept, etc. And the experience is repeated until the message is received. Unfortunately it is the most effective means of communication but also the one we tend to listen to the least.
  • FEELINGS: If you want to know what’s true about something, evaluate your feelings about it.
  • THOUGHTS: The soul and God communicate with us through our own thoughts.
  • WORDS: They are the least used because they are limited and subject to misunderstandings. We must verify the authenticity of the message, because what comes to us could come from other sources; to be sure let’s remember that everything that comes from God is higher than everything else: the highest thought contains joy, the highest words contain truth, the highest feeling is love.

We must silence the external world and turn inward. For anything we must first turn inward, which is the only way, because the exterior is only a reflection of the interior. What God urges us to do in this book is to always listen, because when we ask a question God has already answered; it could be the words of a song that we are listening to at that moment, for example. And most likely, even if it is only hinted at with the words “listen to me in the silence of your mind”, God invites us to meditate, to silence therefore the murmur of the mind, so as to open ourselves up to the voice of the soul. God warns us… because probably it is a message from God that seems wrong to us, because maybe it is God who wants us to change our opinion about it.

Everyone who asks for the way to reach God, gets it shown to them. So ask, always, and be receptive.

Remember that, as is recalled in this book, everything is God. When we look at a beautiful sunset and are enveloped by a strong feeling, let us remember that that IS the voice of God, that God does not speak to us in words, but uses other means.

Are they communications from God regarding rules to follow? No, they have been misunderstood by future generations. They were actually “agreements” more than commandments, promises. God has listed the “signs” of evidence that one has arrived at God. If you live these 10 things you can be sure you have arrived at God, or even better: having arrived at God, I promise you will live all of this.

Conversations with God – Summary index

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