PREMISE: This article is based on the book “Conversations with God – Book One.” To learn more about these articles and the book, please visit the Conversations with God – Summary index.

Finally we have the opportunity to understand what is right and what is wrong, what it means to be good and what it means to be bad; who, if not the greatest authority, God, can finally tell us? Get comfortable… and get ready for the bitter surprise! 😉

There is no right and wrong at a universal level and there is no should and should not. It is up to us to decide what is wrong because maybe it no longer offers an accurate statement of Who We Are. God has never established a “right” and a “wrong” because otherwise he would have deprived us of the opportunity to do what we like best and experience its results. However, we often base ourselves on the results and experiences of others instead of our own, so we trust what others tell us is right or wrong and this conditions our lives.

The italian Vasco Rossi sings “Buoni o Cattivi, non è la fine” (“Good or Bad, it’s not over”)

If God really didn’t want us to make a second, wrong choice, he wouldn’t have created it. We just need to be aware that every choice leads to consequences in the law of cause and effect. God also loves what we call “evil” because it is through this that we can know what “good” is.

Even all the “bad” things that happen are our choice, like everything we experience, so by defining them as bad we define ourselves as bad and this dishonesty leads us to accept a world in which there are catastrophes and suffering. Catastrophes are the result of the collective consciousness that is created globally.

Never judge or condemn, because you never know why certain things happen. Moreover, what you condemn will one day condemn you. Instead, we are used to condemning or even wanting to harm or destroy what we do not choose. By doing so, we only create half of the universe and therefore we cannot understand our half when we have pushed the other out of reach.

Conversations with God – Summary index

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