PREMISE: This article is based on the book “Conversations with God – Book One.” To learn more about these articles and the book, please visit the Conversations with God – Summary index.

Love… relationships… sex… in short, we collect in this article the most intricate topic of the whole universe 😀 in the hope that the concepts expressed in this book about it, can bring greater clarity and wisdom in dealing with this field so intricate, as beautiful, of life.

Judgments and expectations distance us from joy in relationships. All judgments about sex for example. Our society has covered it with shame, associated it with sin, evil; we have also created distinctions between man and woman, so that women who fully express their sexuality are blamed. We have accepted to consider renouncing sex as something that brings us closer to God. And instead obviously sex is joy, and it is sacred, it is an extraordinary expression of love and what we have always wanted is to love and be loved. God urges us to have fun with sex, to play with sex. Without paranoia. Do we want sex without love? If we choose it and it works for us to describe who we are then it’s fine for us, until we change our minds.

God is proud, he says he has chosen a delightful way to make us multiply. The only thing to avoid, for the law of cause/effect and because it would hardly describe who we are and who we want to be, is to destroy sexual innocence, or to use sex for power or hidden purposes, generally for any purpose outside pure joy.
Renunciation is not a rule, but the consequence for those who have chosen the path of the soul, because at a certain point the activities of the soul are much more fulfilling. “You should like it, only you can’t confess to anyone that you like it” (ed: especially female problem)

Why are relationships complicated? Why are they always a challenge, requiring you to express and experience ever higher aspects of yourself? Without a relationship with something that is Other than you, this would never be possible. “In the absence of the other, you do not exist”.

The purpose of a relationship should be constructive, to build who you really are, to decide which part of yourself you would like to bring out. Often instead relationships begin for the wrong reasons: to end loneliness, to fill a void, to ensure love, or someone to love. To complete oneself using a partner. And often we don’t realize it, we simply feel “in love”, when we are simply about to satisfy a need through the other person and maybe the other person wants to do the same, it’s a transaction… The partner is then assigned, subjected to incredible pressure, so that he or she constitutes the salvation of the other, who was “nothing” before, and this makes him or her a slave in being something he or she is not; until he or she gives in and returns to being himself or herself.

The purpose is not to find someone who completes us, but someone with whom we can share our completeness. We don’t need anyone else to fully experience who we are, but paradoxically, without another, we are nothing (ed: the concept of relativity explained earlier).

God urges us to be egocentric in relationships, to think of ourselves, not to focus attention on the other, because this is the cause of relationship failure. We must love ourselves, only then will we be able to love others. Instead, we are used to seeking love for ourselves through love for another (unconsciously we think: if I can love others, others will love me).

The success of a relationship is not determined by its duration. We don’t have to worry about this, but we can try not to start relationships for the wrong reasons. A good premise might be to create an opportunity to express ourselves in a complete way, to elevate our lives to the highest potential and eliminate every false thought or petty idea about ourselves, for a final reunion with God, through the communion of two souls.

Basically what happens in a relationship is that people tend to see of themselves what we see of them. And they tend to see in them also what they see in us. So in a relationship we can help others remember who they are, and we can do it in two ways:

  1. Remembering Who They Are (difficult because they may not believe you) trying to have a broad vision, seeing more in others than they are showing you (held back by fear); as soon as we notice it, they will finally feel authorized to exhibit this part that we have recognized.
  2. Remembering Who We Are (much easier, doing it consistently the other person will recognize themselves in you).

At the moment of crisis in all human relationships there is only one question: What would love do now?
Love would make the highest choice. What does it mean, for example, in a situation of abuse, to decide to end the abuse. Because even the victim of abuse does wrong to the other if he lets him do it because it allows him to perpetrate his behavior. Treating others with love does not necessarily mean allowing others to do what they want.

Conversations with God – Summary index

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