PREMISE: This article is based on the book “Conversations with God – Book One.” To learn more about these articles and the book, please visit the Conversations with God – Summary index.

In this final article I collect some concepts extracted from the book, which have not found a place in any of the macro-topics that we have dealt with previously.

All initiatives undertaken by human beings are based on love or fear.

  • Fear is the energy that forces, encloses, retains, transforms, hides, hoards, damages.
  • Love is the energy that expands, opens, expresses, endures, reveals, shares, heals. You have been taught to live in fear. They have only hinted at the glory of those who love more.

In itself we are not responsible for anyone else but it is inappropriate to neglect the needs of those who because of us have become dependent on us. Our task is to make them independent, to teach them as quickly and completely as possible how to get by without us.
“A true Master is not one with the greatest number of students, but one who creates the greatest number of teachers.”

The more important the issue, the more ready we seem to be to adopt someone else’s ideas, discarding our own.

Conversations with God – Summary index

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