PREMISE: This article is based on the book “Conversations with God – Book One.” To learn more about these articles and the book, please visit the Conversations with God – Summary index.

The Law of Attraction…how much has been said and written about it! Fortunately, I have finally found a clear and plausible explanation that also explains why it is not so easy to put it into practice. Personally, I have also found explanations for the concept of “having faith,” which I have never understood the reason for.

That is, how anything manifests in the physical plane. It happens in 3 steps:

  1. Thought/idea/visualization
    There is nothing in the world that has not previously existed as pure thought.
  2. Word
    Creative energy sent to the universe. Words alter the universe with greater impact.
  3. Action
    It’s words in motion, and words are thoughts expressed.

It is interesting to know that anything that manifests in reality has previously been a thought.

For one simple reason: because the dominant thought is the “promoter thought” or the thought underlying the thought underlying the thought, the first thought, the one that reflects our beliefs. So, even if we try to think that we can create our reality and utter positive affirmations, if deep down we think it is not possible, that it doesn’t work, then nothing will manifest because that thought prevails.

It may seem like a repetition, but it is done on purpose 🙂 Notice the difference from the previous paragraph: “want” instead of “desire.” Why don’t we manifest what we want? Because the universe makes our thoughts and expressed words manifest, it does exactly as they are. So even if we are aligned with our beliefs and all our thoughts, by telling the universe that we want something, we will get exactly what we have asked for: the experience of wanting that thing. Therefore, we won’t get that thing! The universe responds like the genie in the lamp. So instead of saying:

“I want to become rich”

We can say:

“I am rich” or “I choose to be rich” or, if more acceptable to our minds: “everything is leading me to wealth.”

If there is something you have chosen to experience in your life, don’t “want” it, choose it. Really. Fully.

From what we have seen, it’s what is bothersome. Nowadays there are many methods to cleanse, dig, eliminate and change our beliefs, etc., and guess what… God doesn’t even mention them in this book! Also because if it were really just that, we would all have become rich after a course on “how to change our beliefs”; at most we change those of the kitchen, because for the rest we hold tightly to the teachings of our parents and the people who have influenced us since we were young. So what’s the solution?
The book proposes at least 2:

  1. FAITH
    The belief that whatever we ask, God or the Universe will grant it, is the only thought that can prevail over the others. However, few people possess such faith.
    I’m gonna explain this…

Here’s a strategy to bypass the obstacle of our promoter thoughts that do not allow us to manifest what we choose. It involves taking the creation process:

thought → word → action

And reversing the order of this process as follows:

action → word → thought

Therefore, to change a deep-rooted thought, we should “act before thinking” (contrary to what we have always been taught), so we should act based on the new idea we want to acquire in a rapid time that does not give the mind a chance to produce opposing thoughts. Then we should express in words the new idea on which we have acted.

And by repeating the process many times, we will have trained our minds to think in a new way.

So, if you meet a homeless person asking for charity, do not get caught up in conflicting thoughts like “I should give something” – “yes, but not too much, you’re not rich” – “oh no, I have to be convinced that I am rich, otherwise I will not be rich, so I have to give” – “but if it doesn’t work, you will have lost valuable and hard-earned money”… none of this can be useful: act before thinking! In this case, give and that’s it, right away, without thinking about it. And repeat the process several times. You have money in abundance from the same source from which you acquired it, and this is the only thought that distinguishes you from the homeless person.

Why are we not the brilliant and successful person we want to be? Because we lack coherence and consistency.
So how can we do it? I’ll quote the book verbatim because there could be no better words to describe the process:

“Turn first to the highest thought you have about yourself. Imagine the Self you would be if you lived that thought every day. Imagine what you would think, do, and say, and how you would respond to what others do and say. Do you see any difference between this and what you think, say and do now?

“Now, having compared them, start to change, consciously change, your thoughts, words, and actions to match your grandest vision.”

“This will require a tremendous effort physically and mentally. It will involve constant moment-to-moment monitoring of every thought, word, and action. It will involve a continuous series of choices.”

“So do you want your life to ‘take off’? Then start to imagine it the way you want it to be, and identify with it. Monitor every thought, word, and action that does not harmonize with it. And distance yourself from these disharmonies. When you have a thought that does not conform to your grandest idea, switch immediately to another thought. When you say something that is not in line with your grandest idea, take note not to say something like that again. When you take an action that is not in line with your best intentions, decide that it will be the last time you will do so.”

Fear attracts. Emotion is the power that attracts. What you fear strongly, you will experience. And it interferes with your will in the creative process.
So get rid of mental constructs, pessimism, doubt, and fear. Discipline your mind to adhere strictly to the original creative thought. The first step is to think about what you are thinking about; when you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, start thinking again. You have to do it to the letter. Then, “when your thoughts are clear and unshakable, express them as truth. Speak them out loud. Use the great authority that the creative power inspires: I am.” The universe responds to the words “I am” as the genie of the lamp would respond.

Sometimes we feel like victims of circumstances (like losing a job) when we don’t realize that deep down we had already stopped choosing that thing that we may have lost (not choosing that job anymore, maybe imagining doing something else).

Eliminate the expectation: “There’s nothing in life that’s frightening, except when you’re interested in the results. Yes, choose, but don’t desire.” You will inevitably reach your destination on this journey.

Our tendency to make negative choices also stems from our basic culture that has been ingrained in us; if we even think we are “born in sin” and have been told repeatedly that we are bad, then feeling guilty is a learned reaction. One way to free oneself from this belief is to read and internalize these new concepts, knowing and citing them when appropriate.

Conversations with God – Summary index

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