PREMISE: This article is based on the book “Conversations with God – Book One.” To learn more about these articles and the book, please visit the Conversations with God – Summary index.

This is actually a sub-topic of the previous topic, the Law of Attraction. I decided to separate it because the discussion is very broad.

Our problem with abundance, the main reason we live in poverty, is the concept we have of good and evil.
For us, money is evil, it is profit, a rich person is “disgustingly rich“; and anything that is good should not be mixed with money, especially anything that is divine. We think that money is an evil that taints everything, so to keep the good things we do pure, we leave out money.
We think that God is good and that money is evil, they have taught us this since we were young, so the two things cannot go hand in hand. No matter how aligned something is with good, we will have difficulty making it work with money.

We agree to receive money for a job as an employee, something we do out of duty, against our will, because we consider this job as evil, mercenary, so it’s okay to accept money.
Paradoxically, we have difficulty accepting money for something we do with our hearts, something that represents good, something we do to help others. It cannot go hand in hand with money, which is evil. So we do not readily accept money for anything that we believe is for the greater good, because it would be like receiving evil for good. We would rather starve.

Life with regard to money can fluctuate when we have conflicting thoughts, and often it happens because a part of us rejects them due to these beliefs, while another part regrets not having money. The universe receives two different thoughts, and responds with one or the other.
We lie to ourselves to justify our fundamental belief (that money is something bad) while our experience tells us otherwise (that having money is great).

In addition, we have a deep-rooted awareness of “scarcity”; we believe that there is not enough good in the world, especially money. This awareness creates or recreates the world as we see it.
Moreover, we have many other rooted thoughts about money: money is never given for free, money does not grow on trees (“while in fact it does”), money corrupts.

A vicious circle is created regarding money, in which scarcity makes us unhappy and pessimistic about it, and this attracts more scarcity.
To break the circle, we need to change the promoting thought about it.

To do this, we use the same rule of reversing the stages of creation (see previous article: Law of Attraction), so we choose to “act before thinking,” before the mind intervenes with its limitations, we must act as if we are convinced that this infinite abundance already belongs to us; the thought will gradually change accordingly.

We should not worry about providing for ourselves, the true Masters are those who have chosen to live, not to provide for themselves. Those who live with this philosophy do not need to worry, the way is open for everything to flow.

Conversations with God – Summary index

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